
  1. Choose an item from page
  2. Find 'Add To Cart' Button and click it
  3. The selected item will be added to your cart


  1. From right side of your page click 'Order Now' button
  2. This will redirect you to show cart/login page


  1. Click anywhere of an item to see details
  2. It will redirect you to detail page


  1. You will see details of an item in this page
  2. Add some comment in comment box
  3. Select quantity as your wish
  4. Now click 'Order Now' button
  5. This will add the item into your cart
  6. and redirect to show-cart/login page


  1. Now from show-cart-item page you have to login
  2. If you are not registered then you should register from right side form
  3. If your login information become valid then all of you cart item will be shown at the bottom
  4. Now click 'Order' button
  5. Then if everything ok it will give you successfull order message
  6. Thank you